Translated by Asa



The word to you for this week is, have hope!

By having hope, you move toward the achievement of your goals.

Also, your efforts will definitely produce results.

There will probably be an event which makes you happy you've been working so hard.


The word to you for this week is, confidence.

Be confident in what ever happens. You are alright.

Most certainly there will be a happy event.

There will be results for all your efforts up to now.


The word to you for this week is, look at the situation.

Don't get impatient, and do the things that you can do.

...and look at the situation around you.

Towards the end of the week, some troubling issue will be resolved.


The word to you for this week is, have a feeling to make a fresh start.

From this week, your relationship with him will really make progress.

It seems it will be a week of a lot of fun.


The word to you for this week is, don't give up!

Live this week with a feeling to not give up until the very end.

He is beginning to think of a future with you.

Match yourself to his pace.


The word to you for this week is, do your best at work.

By doing your best at work, you will be gifted with a good influence on your love situation.

Also, there may be an event which gives you confidence in him.


The word to you for this week is, a sense of happiness.

This week, no matter how small the event that happens is, have a sense of happiness.

A natural feeling of gratitude will sprout up.

It seems that by your love there will be progress.


The word to you for this week is, go out somewhere!

This week, as much as possible, try to step out and go somewhere.

Having confidence, it seems there will be an event which gives you

a feeling to give your best efforts towards him.

He senses your efforts.


The word to you for this week is, trust your intuition!

This week, act on things in trust of your intuition.

Also it seems, he will change his actions based on some event.


The word to you for this week is, to move along!

The is a road that you should be moving along.

It would be good to just move along without thinking.

There is no need to be hesitant.

Most certainly, you will get the words from him that you've been waiting for.


The word to you for this week is, reliance.

This week is about relying on him.

What ever happens, you feelings of trust will change the future of the 2 of you.

It's probable that there will be a fun event.


The word to you for this week is, resolution of troubles.

The troubling issue which has consumed you will be resolved

and you can live as your typical self.

The relationship with him is stable

and you will probably get some kind words or a gift from him.

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